
So Many Questions

Just when I thought things would slow down after the summer, the fall is here with changes to our youth program, 4 flights out of state, and baby prearations. I wonder when I will be able to catch my breath?! I have a question to ask, and I know that asking questions have been the flavor of the month in the world of bloggardom but it is a question that has been on my mind for quite some time. So here it is,

"Should we be giving opportunities to teens to load up on sugar and caffine at youth events, when they are already consuming such large amounts to begin with?"

Allow me to put this in context for you. By opportunities I am meaning a snack shack at youth camp, an espresso stand at youth, prizes for games that involve candy and soda, a soda machine in the youth room, etc., all in the name of creating a fun, relaxed atmoshpere. I just read an article that said that the new drug for this generation is not crack or speed, but caffine and I believe that it's true. Now more than ever, kids are eating less meals with their families because everyone is so busy and the meals that they do eat with them many times are not healthy. So let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Hmm... As I read this I'm drinking my second cup of coffee in a row... so maybe my oppinion is moot. Anyway, you are right, we do consume alot of junk! Not just kids either. It's definitely something to think about about regarding ministry and stuff. What would happen if you served healthy snacks?