
A Shameless Plug for Youth Camp

I know that the snow is barely melting, but one thing you need to know about Alaskans is that we don't waste one moment of good weather. For that reason, I know that many families are planning their summer vacations, so I thought I would put a plug in for my youth camp just in case some of my teens stumble across my blog.

Our speaker for camp this summer is none other than Tim Branscombe himself (He even has a blog, not that he'll ever post again- check out "Never Ending Supply of Blogs"). The dates for camp are Aug 13th-18th and the cost is $200 ($185 if you register early). Nothing else you do this summer will be as fun as Youth Camp. Make sure you tell your parents to keep those dates open. And invite your friends. If you need registrations you can email me @ pastormorgan@skylinefamily.com.

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