
MySpace, YourSpace, Who'sSpace?

I decided yesterday, that I would take some time and check out this MySpace hype that I have been hearing my teens talk about. I have to say that what I found really surprised me. It amazed me to see just how much detail people were putting on the internet. I found teens who come from really strong Christian homes talking about how they smoke weed and get drunk with their friends. I read more profanity and sexual comments than I have ever heard in any movie. There seemed to be no bounds for what could be talked about. Neither Ang or I were prepared for what we saw, and too be honest, it has left us feeling an incredible weight of responsibility for these teens. Could we have done more? Have we in some way pushed them to this? It's so hard in YM because you give your all for these kids and sometimes, it's just thrown right back at you. One good thing that has come from all of this is that as I read their spaces, I see the hurt, the low self-esteem, the hate they feel. I see where they need to be loved and it gives me hope. Maybe there is something I can do...I can love them where no one else has shown them love...I can love them with Christ's love. And yet again I am amazed at how God has taken what Satan intened for evil and is using it for good.


Angela said...

I love you, husband!!

Anonymous said...

there's a really good article on the myspace revolution @ www.thesource4ym.com that's really good. my teens aren't so much into myspace...yet. you know how atlantic canadians are. it'll get popular next january.

Anonymous said...

That's why I've had to monitor Smokey's page. He's just too innocent to be exposed to such things at such a young age.