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Just when I thought North Americans couldn't get any fatter, I came across this, ah...well you just need to see it to believe it. "
The ballpark sandwich will include a hamburger topped with sharp cheddar cheese and two slices of bacon -- all between a "bun" made of a sliced Krispy Kreme Original Glazed doughnut. "Pounding away just one of these sandwiches will use up almost half of your daily recommended calorie intake as well as 45 grams of fat. Why not try to washing it down with a nice warm cup of cooking grease. If you don't have any on hand, you can probably squeeze it out of the sandwich.
I know that the snow is barely melting, but one thing you need to know about Alaskans is that we don't waste one moment of good weather. For that reason, I know that many families are planning their summer vacations, so I thought I would put a plug in for my youth camp just in case some of my teens stumble across my blog. Our speaker for camp this summer is none other than Tim Branscombe himself (He even has a blog, not that he'll ever post again- check out "Never Ending Supply of Blogs"). The dates for camp are Aug 13th-18th and the cost is $200 ($185 if you register early). Nothing else you do this summer will be as fun as Youth Camp. Make sure you tell your parents to keep those dates open. And invite your friends. If you need registrations you can email me @
Usernames and passwords are the bane of my existence. It seems like you have to have a username and password to do anything any more, and there is always a reason why you can't use the same one you always use.
"Someone else has it."
"You need a letter and number."
"No spaces or symbols."
"Just because we don't like you!"
Once you finally find one that works, what do you do with the 357 different usernames and passwords that you have? You can rely on your memory but that's like playing that cup game where you need to guess what cup has the nut under it, only now you have 357 cups to choose from. So your only other option is to store them in a program somewhere that will more than likely require you to use another password. But you say to me, "You can always retrieve a forgotten username or password." Sure you can, once you get through the buttload of secret questions that can be about the most random things.
"What was the name of your neighbor's third dog, twice removed?"
"What was the color of your crush's shirt in grade 3, on October 17th?"
This whole username and password thing is just a giant conspiracy the government is using to distract us long enough so they can tax us even more without us noticing. So, if it seems as though it has been a while since I have posted something, it's likely because I'm trying to pick one of the 357 cups that might have my username and password under it!
I decided yesterday, that I would take some time and check out this MySpace hype that I have been hearing my teens talk about. I have to say that what I found really surprised me. It amazed me to see just how much detail people were putting on the internet. I found teens who come from really strong Christian homes talking about how they smoke weed and get drunk with their friends. I read more profanity and sexual comments than I have ever heard in any movie. There seemed to be no bounds for what could be talked about. Neither Ang or I were prepared for what we saw, and too be honest, it has left us feeling an incredible weight of responsibility for these teens. Could we have done more? Have we in some way pushed them to this? It's so hard in YM because you give your all for these kids and sometimes, it's just thrown right back at you. One good thing that has come from all of this is that as I read their spaces, I see the hurt, the low self-esteem, the hate they feel. I see where they need to be loved and it gives me hope. Maybe there is something I can do...I can love them where no one else has shown them love...I can love them with Christ's love. And yet again I am amazed at how God has taken what Satan intened for evil and is using it for good.
I just got home from a weekend men's retreat. It was great, we ate, built fires, shot tennis balls out of a launcher, ate, went snowmobiling, and ate some more. It was a good time of getting away and just enjoying nature. The thing about these weekends is that you don't realize how bad you smell (no running water, and polar dipping was not an option) until you walk through the door of a clean house. When you are with a bunch of guys who smell just as bad as you, you don't notice the stench. It was so bad that my own wife wouldn't even kiss me until I showered. Nothing better than being a man!
Today, for whatever reason, I decided that I might give this blogging thing a try. I'm not much of a journal type, but from time to time I do think about life and the randomness that it brings. As I was reading some of your blogs, I decided it would be good to have a place to put some of those thoughts down and see what comes of it. One thing that is true of Alaska, is that for as beautiful as it is, it is so very much secluded. The one thing that I miss most being here is the interaction of my friends. So as I give this a shot, offer grace, because we all know how apathetic I was with WOTW.