
Saying Hello to the World

As the proudest father in the world right now, I would like to introduce to you for the first time, Danielle Esther MacPherson. She was born on Feburary 16th at 2:34pm. She weighed 9lbs, 2 ounces and measured in at 19 1/2 inches long. Ang is doing well and had a short labor, lasting only about 6 1/2 hours.


Richards' said...

OH, she is to cute for words!!!!! It brought tears to my eyes! Thinking that exactly a year ago (Feb 16) my little baby girl was born.... and now, y'all have a B-E-A-UTIFUL baby girl!!!

Billings said...

Your boys can swim!!! Wait I guess you knew that 9 months ago...

Congrats guys! I know that you are going to be great parents and that she's going to be a heartbreaker, I mean look at Morgan! Ok so probably more to do with Ang.

Love you guys both and miss ya a ton!!

Mommy of Four said...


Maria Purviance said...

she is wonderful!!!

Liz said...

YAY!!! Congrats Daddy Morgan!! She is sooooooooo cute!!

thrills said...


my baby's cuter.

just teasing...she is beautiful.


Heather Durkee said...


Lor & Josh said...

she is darling. congratulations MacPherson family!

His Beloved said...

congrats morgan! she's adorable! :)

Elizabeth said...

She's beautiful! Congrates!

Jon and Renae said...

Congratulations! Way to go Ang! You too Morgan-Jon was a huge help to me. Did you end up having her with the midwife? Did you have her at home? We are so happy for you! I told jon to come look at her pic and on the way he said, "she should be good-looking". Yes, you two make good babies.

Anonymous said...

What a sweetpea. Congratulations!

Ceri Fletcher said...

Congrats, Morgan & Angela! She is beautiful!

Miss you guys & think & pray for you often.

mw said...

'bout time! A big CONGRATS to you both! Short labour at 6.5 hours? Alright, sounds like you are already in the doghouse with your whife!

So, Danielle - I like the name. Wishing I could be there to witness the expanded MacPherson family in action...