

Do you ever go through times in your life where you just need change? I'm sitting here in my office realy wanting to change the layout. but I just don't know how to make it work (space issues). At home, I want to move the computer upstairs so that I can hook my 360 up to xbox live, which would entail major change to the spare bedroom. In youth minitsry I am constantly thinking about how to change the way we do things. I have found that if you don't change things from time to time, people get bored, but sometimes too much change is not good either. I think that I might be a change junkie. I thrive on change and while others tend to fear it, I long for it. Even now, as I look at my blog I feel like doing a major overhaul just to change it.

1 comment:

b.rando said...

"I think that I might be a change junkie. I thrive on change..."

i am surprised to hear these words from you, because the macp i knew enjoyed change about the least of anyone i know. cool. change it up!

from one change junkie to another...