
The Beauty of a Pregnant Woman

I knew that when Ang and I decided to start having children, our lives would never be the same. One area that has definitely changed is the way in which I see my wife. I have come to the conclusion that my wife is the most beautiful pregnant woman that has ever lived. Not only is she pysically beautiful, but on those days when she is not extremely emotional because of the rush of hormones running through her body, her countenance is beautiful (on the emotional days, her physical beauty covers the emotions). I can't help but look at my wife and think to myself, "Man, my wife is hot!" I wonder if it was in God's plan for women to get even more beautiful when they are pregnant?! It is definitely the case with my wife. So since I don't have a picture to attach to this post because I am down in Seattle right now, you will just have to take my word for it as well as my apologies for the rest of the men in the world for snatching up the most beautiful pregnant woman that lives.


Angela said...

You have succeeded in thoroughly embarrassing me, but how can I let my emotions get the better of me when you are SO sweet!?! You are a dream husband and have been even more wonderful during this pregnancy. I am so thankful for the gift that the Lord has given to me and our child in you! Thank you for being so patient, loving, hard working, serving, and God-focused through all of life as of late. I love you SO much, and once again, look forward to you coming home this evening from work.

b.rando said...

it's even better after the baby comes and that belly you've grown to be sick of (beautiful though it was) is gone. you get to watch her grow into her mommy role in her new slimmed up body, and you think to yourself, "wow! my wife is hot...again!"

Erskine said...

We're not pregnant, but I've definitely heard that theory before. I think women get more beautiful because that's part of the package. Women, the crown of creation (see Proverbs in various places or read Captivating), are beautiful at any time, especially when they're experiencing the joy of going forth and multiplying. (Men could never handle the pain side of the joy with that much grace.)

Anonymous said...

Just read this...so beautiful and sweet. My heart is glad to hear of another man who can't contain the utter 'awe' of watching his wife carry, nurture, and deliver his/their child.

There really is a certain beauty that pregnancy brings. I couldn't waddle away fast enough for Andrew to keep his paws off of me....it was hilarious, sometimes embarrassing, and oh so sweet....